Friday, April 08, 2005

Scientific Progress Doesn't Go Boink, I Pray

This is a picture of the setup from one of the recent setups we had in

a lab.  Yes, the camera tripod is being used to support a

radioactive source.  Yes, the biohazard box is being used to

support the camera tripod.  What's not obvious is that the piece

of imaging equipment the tripod is balancing above has a very fragile

NaTl crystal that costs about $30,000 to replace.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huzzah for experimental jury-rigging!

About 9 motnhs ago, beforre our lab left for Dartmouth, my labmate Madhu and I cut the head off a $0.25 stainless steel bolt and used it to modify the high-voltage connection on the LEO SEM (scanning electron microscope) at Rice so that the newly-installed ion pump would work with the old connection.

To the best of my knowledge, that bolt is still keeping that (when it was purchased new) at least $200,000 piece of equipment running.

If it ain't broke...

1:50 PM  

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