Um, yeah, that's odd...
A computer that works best while turned you think I could get it to write my MS thesis?
They say that when you have a sprained ankle you should keep the ankle elevated and cold.,,1710743,00.html
In my thesis I just used the phrase "In many cases, it is more efficient to implement this as..."
I am currently working my way through the video defensive driving course. This is painful.
Netflix just refused to allow me to add an item to my queue because I had too many movies on the queue.
1. Get fed up with "Clippy" the office assistant and replace him with a dog. I recommend this--the dog is much less dumb. If only they had a rat...
My contacts on Capital Hill have told me that one of the representatives from New York has received letters from attorneys on behalf of four of his citizens.
You know you aren't as young as you used to be when you learn that someone from your alma mater is applying to your program and you have never heard of him.